Keeping Your Pet Calm During Air Travel

Air travel can be stressful for pets, as they are taken out of their familiar environment and subjected to new and potentially overwhelming experiences. To make air travel less stressful for your pet, it’s essential to plan ahead and take the necessary steps to keep them calm and comfortable during the journey. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to keep your pet calm during air travel.

1. Choose a Pet-Friendly Airline

When traveling with your pet, it’s important to choose an airline that is pet-friendly and has clear policies and procedures for traveling with pets. Research different airlines’ pet policies before booking your flight, and make sure to review their guidelines for pet carriers and in-cabin or cargo transport.

  • Some airlines allow small pets to travel in the cabin with their owners, while others require pets to travel in the cargo hold.
  • Make sure to check if your pet’s carrier meets the airline’s size and weight requirements.
  • Research the airline’s pet health and documentation requirements.
  • Check if the airline has any restrictions on pet breeds or species.
  • Find out the airline’s fee for pet transport.

How to Choose a Pet-Friendly Airline

When choosing an airline for pet travel, consider the following factors:

  • Does the airline allow pets in the cabin or cargo hold?
  • What are the airline’s pet carrier size and weight restrictions?
  • What is the airline’s policy on pet health and documentation?
  • Does the airline have any restrictions on pet breeds or species?
  • What is the airline’s fee for pet transport?

2. Acclimate Your Pet to the Carrier

Before air travel, it’s important to acclimate your pet to the carrier they will be traveling in. A familiar carrier can help reduce stress and anxiety for your pet during the journey.

  • Introduce the carrier to your pet well before the travel date.
  • Let your pet explore and get comfortable with the carrier, placing familiar bedding or toys inside.
  • Take your pet on short trips in the carrier to get them used to the motion and environment.

How to Acclimate Your Pet to the Carrier

When acclimating your pet to the carrier, consider the following tips:

  • Place treats or toys inside the carrier to entice your pet to go inside.
  • Start with short periods inside the carrier and gradually increase the duration over time.
  • Place the carrier in a familiar and comfortable environment, such as your living room or bedroom.
  • Consider using pheromone sprays or diffusers to help calm your pet.

3. Exercise and Calm Your Pet Before the Flight

Before air travel, make sure to give your pet plenty of exercise and playtime to burn off excess energy and reduce anxiety. You can also use calming techniques such as massage or aromatherapy to help relax your pet.

  • Take your dog for a walk or play a game of fetch to burn off excess energy.
  • Use calming pheromone sprays or essential oils such as lavender to help soothe your pet.
  • Avoid feeding your pet a large meal before the flight, as this can cause discomfort and anxiety.

How to Exercise and Calm Your Pet Before the Flight

When preparing your pet for air travel, consider the following tips:

  • Take your dog for a long walk or run to burn off excess energy.
  • Play games such as fetch or tug-of-war to help your pet release energy.
  • Use calming techniques such as massage, gentle music or aromatherapy to help relax your pet.
  • Avoid feeding your pet a large meal before the flight to prevent discomfort and anxiety. Instead, feed them a light meal a few hours before the flight.

4. Use Calming Products

If your pet is prone to anxiety or stress, there are several calming products available that can help them relax during air travel. These products can be used in conjunction with other calming techniques to help your pet stay calm and comfortable during the flight.

  • Calming supplements such as chamomile or valerian root can help your pet relax and reduce stress.
  • Calming sprays or pheromone diffusers can help create a calming environment for your pet.
  • Thundershirts or other compression garments can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

How to Use Calming Products

When using calming products, consider the following tips:

  • Research the product and its ingredients before using it on your pet.
  • Consult with your veterinarian to determine if the product is safe for your pet and to determine the correct dosage.
  • Test the product on your pet before the flight to ensure that they do not have an adverse reaction.

5. Keep Your Pet Occupied During the Flight

During the flight, it’s important to keep your pet occupied and distracted to help reduce stress and anxiety. Bring along familiar toys, treats or other items that your pet enjoys to keep them occupied during the flight.

  • Bring along a familiar toy or blanket that your pet enjoys.
  • Bring along treats or chews to keep your pet occupied during the flight.
  • Use interactive toys such as puzzle feeders to keep your pet mentally stimulated.

How to Keep Your Pet Occupied During the Flight

When keeping your pet occupied during the flight, consider the following tips:

  • Bring along a few of your pet’s favorite toys or blankets to help them feel comfortable and secure.
  • Bring along treats or chews to keep your pet occupied and distracted during the flight.
  • Use interactive toys such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys to keep your pet mentally stimulated and engaged.


Q: Can I give my pet medication to calm them during air travel?

A: It’s not recommended to give your pet medication without consulting with your veterinarian first. Some medications can have adverse effects on pets, and it’s important to determine the correct dosage and ensure that the medication is safe for your pet.

Q: Should I give my pet a sedative before air travel?

A: It’s not recommended to give your pet a sedative before air travel, as sedatives can have adverse effects on pets during air travel, such as reduced respiratory function or increased risk of dehydration.

Q: What if my pet becomes anxious or stressed during air travel?

A: If your pet becomes anxious or stressed during air travel, try using calming techniques such as massage, aromatherapy or calming products. You can also speak to the flight attendants or airline staff for assistance.

Q: Can I bring my pet on an international flight?

A: Each country has its own rules and regulations regarding the import and export of pets. Research the regulations of the country you are traveling to and from to ensure that you meet all the requirements for pet travel.

Bottom Line

Air travel can be stressful for pets, but by taking the necessary steps to keep your pet calm and comfortable during the journey, you can help reduce their anxiety and make the journey more enjoyable for both you and your furry friend. Remember to plan ahead, acclimate your pet to the carrier, exercise and calm your pet before the flight, use calming products, and keep your pet occupied during the flight.

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